I don't like Tuesdays.
It's not just because the weekend seems so far away.
It's because of one fifth grader. I'm not even kidding. I think he wants to kill me.
In fact... I KNOW he wants to kill me.
How do I know this?
The first time I had his class, he spent the entire class giving me the finger. Every time I looked in his direction, there he was, flipping me off. Whatever, I just let it go.
It never stopped.
He has a scowl that could freeze water on the hottest day of the summer. He LOOKS at me like he wants to kill me. All of the time. He just leans back in his chair, and scowls at me. It creeps me out, and honestly scares me a little. One day, he even did the "I'm going to slit your neck" motion with his finger across his neck... while scowling at me.
I guess I deserved it... I told him to answer a question.
My co-teacher just gawked at me when I told him to read the answer to the next question... and then she whispered "but... Tara, he does not know English."
Well OF COURSE he doesn't know English, he bloody well talks through the entire class and disrupts everyone around him. And then scowls and leans back in his chair when I yell at him.
I am afraid of a ten year old kid who is at least a foot shorter than me and probably weighs like 50 pounds.
I know he's super light, because I had to drag him and his desk across the classroom one day. That's right, I dragged him in his desk across the classroom because he wouldn't shut up. Then he started passing notes, so I went and stood beside him to get him to stop. He didn't. So... I dragged him and his desk outside of the classroom and slammed the door shut and left him there.
He's probably going to shank me, all of those kids carry exacto knives...